I replied to my mother:
to tell a fat person
that she is fat
is to tell her
I think you are too
stupid to realize
what you look like
so I should tell you
she said nothing
had changed year
after year and
she is just so
worried about me.
What she doesn’t know
is that year after year
her disgust with me
became my own
it ate way at me
it started a small act
of rebellion she would
never know about
because it would hurt her
and I don’t want to -
I love her.
I got good
at making myself sick
the trick is to be
already sick with yourself
drink some water
before you start
tap is best, if you hate it
lift up the toilet seat
hold your hair back
think about what you ate
think about you that you hate
somewhere between a
habit and an illness
you can no longer tell
if it’s body or mind.
After she came back
for her bag and said
I don’t say these things
to upset you
I said I know but
we have talked about this
over and over again
let me deal with it myself
I locked the door behind her
and reached, like a habit
for her half-empty mug
took the decisive sip of
room-temperature water
walked over to my bathroom
and threw up her disgust.