I open the door easily because you remembered to unlock it
It is dark as I take off my shoes and call out, yoo-hoo?
You reply from the bedroom, under the covers, yoo-hoo!
We are not sure how it started but it’s become our call
A check-in, are you there?
Whenever, wherever, I put my hand on top of yours
You put another hand on top, and wait, expectantly
My other hand stacks on top, and we throw all in the air
Like a Little League soccer team of two thirty-somethings
It makes us smile.
Our dances in the car are robotic, at these stop lights
Arms up and down, one after the other, like Ken and Barbie
We always check to see if the people in the car behind us reacts
And hope they notice these rituals
of two young idiots in love.