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Elizabeth Cotton

The Un-American Y

I so hate the letter y

ugly like someone’s  ass

such a yucky letter

and it is also very



Yin and Yang are un-American

the Yiddish are un-American

the yen is un-American

and the Yaqui are un-American.


any name that starts with Y

is obviously un-American.


I am un-American.


they say I am yellow.

yes, maybe I am yellow.

maybe that’s why

I am un-American,

because I am yellow.


you is un-American.


saying yes is un-American

you know what they say

at the schools for the young:

kids, always say no to

drugs, alcohol, and sex.


yesterday is un-American

we’re all about today

and today doesn’t start with y

it only ends with y

unlike yesterday

which starts and ends with y

that yucky y.


Yale is un-American and so are yachts

the Y-chromosome is un-American

yawns and years are un-American

but nothing is as un-American as

the Yankees.

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